Lobo Gardens Club Charter Fall 2019
Lobo Gardens Club Constitution ARTICLE I: NAME The name of this organization shall be the Lobo Gardens Club. ARTICLE II: OBJECTIVE The purpose of the Lobo Gardens Club is to promote food security, social justice, sustainable farming initiatives, and community engagement at the University of New Mexico through educational programs, projects, events, student and community outreach. ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be open to all UNM students and community members in accordance with the policies and procedures of the UNM office of Student Activities ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS Section 1 A. Lobo Gardens Club shall elect from its student membership a President, Vice-President and a Secretary. B. Elections shall be held no later than October 1. C. Terms of officers shall be one year. D. Terms of office shall be October 1 to September 30. E.. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of t...