Lobo Gardens Club Charter Fall 2019

Lobo Gardens Club



The name of this organization shall be the Lobo Gardens Club.


The purpose of the Lobo Gardens Club is to promote food security, social justice, sustainable farming initiatives, and community engagement at the University of New Mexico through educational programs, projects, events, student and community outreach.


Membership shall be open to all UNM students and community members in accordance with the policies and procedures of the UNM office of Student Activities


Section 1    A.  Lobo Gardens Club shall elect from its student membership a President, Vice-President and a Secretary.

B.   Elections shall be held no later than October 1.

C.  Terms of officers shall be one year.

D.  Terms of office shall be October 1 to September 30.

E..  A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership s necessary for the removal of any officer.

F. If in the case that there was no election prior to October 1, the staff advisor may appoint the vacant offices.


Section 2  Duties and Responsibilities of the President

·         The President shall be the principal executive officer of Lobo Gardens Club.

·         The President shall preside at all Lobo Gardens Club meetings.

·         The President shall serve as the primary liaison to University Presidents, Legislators and other external persons and bodies.


Section 3  Duties and Responsibilities of the Vice-President

·         The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of those duties.

·         The Vice-President shall preside at all Lobo Gardens Club meetings in the absence of the President and establish the agenda for all meetings

·         The Vice-President shall appoint members and chairs of all Lobo Gardens Committees.

·         The Vice-President shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.


Section 4  Duties and Responsibilities of Secretary

·         The Secretary shall assist the President and Vice-President in the performance of their duties.

·         The Secretary shall preside at all Lobo Gardens Club meetings in the absence of the President and Vice-President.

·         The Secretary shall record, maintain, and make available to all members minutes of all meetings.

·         The Secretary shall maintain contact information on all members.

·         The Secretary will keep an account of all monetary transactions.

·         The Secretary shall perform other duties as assigned by the President and Vice President.


·         Regular meetings will be held a minimum of once a month, as to be determined by the staff advisor or president.

·         Special meetings may be called by the President or by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership. The location of special meetings shall be determined by the President. 

·         Adequate notice of meeting dates, times, and locations shall be given to the membership.

·         A quorum shall consist of all members present in addition to at least one elected or appointed officer.


Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, the latest edition, shall govern the Lobo Gardens Club in all cases not covered in Constitution.  The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian.


·         This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present.

·         Proposed Amendments must be submitted in writing at the meeting prior to the meeting at which it will be decided.






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