Green Corn and Sacred Fire: Guest Lecture by Dr. Rachel Jackson

Dr. Rachel Jackson (member of Cherokee nation and Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma) presented her guest lecture "Green Corn and Sacred Fire" at UNM Zimmerman Library Willard Reading Room on October 2, 2019 and her talk "Story as Medicine" for the Black Range Environmental Writers (BREW) Colloquium on October 4, 2019 at the Hillsboro Community Center. 

Dr. Rachel's guest lecture was sponsored by the UNM Office of Student Affairs, Lobo Gardens, and the EcoLiteracy at UNM Digital Hub Project. Dr. Jackson and Dr. Michelle Hall Kells were featured guests on KUNM Public Radio program Espejos Atzlan with host Cristine Baccin on Monday, October 7. See links for KUNM Public Radio archive:



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