
Lobo Garden's New Member Welcome Celebration at Greenhouse February 7, 2020

Lobo Gardens Club hosts new member celebration at Greenhouse on Friday, February 7, 2020 with over new plants and guests attending the event. History of UNM Lobo Gardens UNM Office of Sustainability   12/09/09 -    02/08/10 -   08/25/10 -   04/20/17 - 02/10/20- Daily Lobo reporter Amanda Britt

Lobo Gardens: Growing Life, Nourishing Relationships, Telling Stories

At UNM Spring 2020 Welcome Back Days with (left to right) Lobo Gardens President Isabel Strawn and Lobo Gardens Vice President Adalaida Baca.

Celebrating Another Successful Semester of Writing About Food & Culture with Lobo Gardens

Our Fall 2019 ENGL 320 Writing About Food & Culture enthusiastically celebrates another successful semester with Lobo Gardens!!  ENGL 320 Student Final Project Food Blogs and Websites available here: Fall 2019 Writing About Food & Culture Class Projects   Lobo Gardens (Isabel) Politics of Water (John)                             On Ceremony (Jesse) At the Heart of Food (Mara) Culinary Gentrification (Mauricio) Los Montoyas, NM (Marcos) Green Economy (Phillip) Poetics of Taste (Lydia) Energizing Your Brain with Food (Mariah) ht

Lobo Gardens Club Charter Fall 2019

Lobo Gardens Club Constitution   ARTICLE I: NAME The name of this organization shall be the Lobo Gardens Club. ARTICLE II: OBJECTIVE The purpose of the Lobo Gardens Club is to promote food security, social justice, sustainable farming initiatives, and community engagement at the University of New Mexico through educational programs, projects, events, student and community outreach. ARTICLE III:   MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be open to all UNM students and community members in accordance with the policies and procedures of the UNM office of Student Activities ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS Section 1     A.   Lobo Gardens Club shall elect from its student membership a President, Vice-President and a Secretary. B.    Elections shall be held no later than October 1. C.   Terms of officers shall be one year. D.   Terms of office shall be October 1 to September 30. E..   A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership s necessary for the removal of any offic

Lobo Garden Club Re-Imagined: New Vision and New Leadership

Isabel Strawn the new Lobo Gardens Club president  (a UNM Biochemistry major in Fall 2019 ENGL 320 Writing About Food & Culture) with Adalida Heaven Baca Lobo Gardens Club vice president (a UNM Philosophy and English major in Spring 2019 ENGL 320 Writing About Wine & Culture) convened the first meeting of the newly re-chartered Lobo Gardens Club on October 18, 2019.   

El Día de los Muertos: Feasting with the Ancients

Our ENGL 320 Writing About Food & Culture class is studying indigenous food ways and local food cultures in New Mexico.  Week 11 Field Exercise includes an analysis of Pueblo Food history and culture and an examination of traditional New Mexico recipes and menus. Some of our ENGL 320 Writing About Food & Culture assigned readings include: Cabeza de Baca Gilbert, Fabiola. The Good Life: New Mexico Traditions and Food.   Swentzel, Roxanne. The Pueblo Food Experience: Whole Food of Our Ancestors   Guadalupe Rivera and Marie-Pierre Colle Frida’s Fiestas: Recipe’s and Reminiscences of Life with Frida     Kahlo.        

Green Corn and Sacred Fire: Guest Lecture by Dr. Rachel Jackson

Dr. Rachel Jackson (member of Cherokee nation and Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma) presented her guest lecture "Green Corn and Sacred Fire" at UNM Zimmerman Library Willard Reading Room on October 2, 2019 and her talk "Story as Medicine" for the Black Range Environmental Writers (BREW) Colloquium on October 4, 2019 at the Hillsboro Community Center.  Dr. Rachel's guest lecture was sponsored by the UNM Office of Student Affairs, Lobo Gardens, and the EcoLiteracy at UNM Digital Hub Project. Dr. Jackson and Dr. Michelle Hall Kells were featured guests on KUNM Public Radio program Espejos Atzlan with host Cristine Baccin on Monday, October 7. See links for KUNM Public Radio archive: