
Showing posts from October, 2019

Autumn in the Garden at UNM


Field Working in Lobo Gardens

Our ENGL 320 Writing About Food and Culture planted new seeds at the beginning of the Fall 2019 semester in the Lobo Gardens. Our class also helped to seed the re-chartering of the UNM Lobo Gardens Club under the leadership of ENGL 320 students and in collaboration with enthusiastic students in other Lobo Gardens courses this semester.

Growing Lobo Gardens


Feasting Together at Urban Taqueria


Our Food & Culture Class Field Trip to the new ABQ Urban Taqueria

We savored the tasty and provocative fare of Downtown ABQ new Urban Taqueria on October 18, 2019.   The menu offers a fusion of traditional New Mexican and international flavors with a politically provocative menu items that include names such as "The Wall," "Under Audit," "No Collusion," and "Fake News."  Urban Taqueria offers a fun vibe, robust conversation topics, and delicious food!!      

Beginning a New Season with Lobo Gardens

Our Fall 2019 Writing About Food and Culture course at UNM is beginning a new season with Lobo Gardens, the EcoLiteracy at UNM Project, and a few new friends.